I lay out the step by step roadmap to obtain your first Salesforce job in my book "Get Your First Salesforce Job." Before starting this journey, you may want a better idea of what to expect. Here are the top questions I'm asked when I share the strategy one on one.
This is my favorite question. The reality is that no two jobs are alike and that's to your advantage. Everyone has different skills and levels of proficiency. What that means is you'll come across complex development jobs along with jobs within the realm of creating basic reports, minor changes to objects, and creating custom fields. Basically, you'll be able to find what's best for you and that's what's so exciting to me.
It depends on your skill level BUT, not your certification or experience level. There are jobs that Trailblazers with the Admin Superbadge can easily win. But, if you're on your fourth certification (which means you have knowledge) you will naturally feel comfortable with more challenging opportunities. Again, it's not the certifications that bring more opportunity, but the knowledge.